Neon Set 102 Marabu Alcohol Ink

Neon Set 102 Marabu Alcohol Ink

Marabu North America


Flowing designs, unpredictable colour gradients and exciting techniques – step into the world of fluid art with the Alcohol Ink set “Neon”. The set includes everything you need to get started: 5 x A6 sheets of special, non-absorbent matt paper are included in addition to three intensely bright, fluorescent, transparent, miscible and quick drying neon alcohol inks (Neon Yellow, Neon Orange, Neon Pink). This paper is ideal for use with Marabu Alcohol Ink and enables optimum ink flow. The black, alcohol-based Permanent Marker with a twin tip (1 mm/0.5 mm) can be used to add embellishments, lettering or drawings to the dried Alcohol Ink design. The enclosed brochure explains how to use Alcohol Ink and provides plenty of great ideas, tips and tricks.

Contents: 3 x 20 ml Alcohol Ink (Neon-yellow 321, Neon-orange 324, Neon-pink 334), 1 x Permanent Marker (Black 073), 5 x special paper DIN A6, 1 x brochure DIN A5